Date: Saturday, 27th May 2017 at 4pm
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This team leadership journey follows a young Egyptian, TepTep, in discovering the missing Commitment and Leadership factors that led to the previous 100 plus pyramid projects to fail… and eventually to the ascension in leadership and team culture psychology that led to highly motivated and committed teams whose innovations produced the lasting quality responsible for the great pyramids that still stand today, 4000 years later.

Readers will benefit from this book from 5 team culture change and leadership lessons that TepTep learns on his journey to becoming a better team leader.

While this a fun and easy to read fable, the team culture psychology and leadership principles are founded in 16 years of research as part of the Directive Communication Psychology… but no research is useful if it is difficult to understand or put into practice… so this book is designed as a simple, PRACTICAL and enjoyable guide understanding team culture, how we can effectively lead team culture change with a few modifications here and there.

The Team Leadership quest begins when TepTep visits the local sorcerer who sends him on a mission to discover the secrets of nurturing team commitment with the pyramid model that leads to an ultimately engaged and synergistic team culture.

His first encounter is with Achmad, a pyramid consultant who enlightens him as to the psychology of why some people are not excited about work and how they just trade time for money… and even though they may have the skills, may not fully utilise them in the workplace, thus becoming underachievers.

The next meeting brings him to the outdoor office of Rammao, Egypt’s largest fuel producer dealing in Camel Dung, who helps him discover the strategies of how to ascend people to better attitudes no matter what their jobs are.

He then attains an audience with the queen, who shares the psychology of creating self-motivated and driven teams by referencing the characteristics of ancient Egyptian gods and how they worked, or didn’t work, together… she shows how and why individual behaviors and attitudes change when individuals are put into a team and provides very specific team culture recipes and how each combine to nurture high performance attitudes and team synergy.

…and finally TepTep’s quest leads him to the temple of Isis at the top of a very tall mountain to put the Motivation and Commitment foundations all together. This climb teaches him why people are willing to go the extra mile to achieve bigger goals and the 5 secrets of how to improve induvial performance, commitment, engagement, and even competence through these new team leadership strategies. By making small modifications in current team structures and applying some simple Team Culture leadership strategies, TepTep (and the reader) will gain the power to lead and realise high achievement team culture change.
