Get Your Internationally Dynamic Speaking & Postures Trainer Certification!
This Dynamic Speaking & Postures Trainer Certification is Accredited by the American Institute of Business Psychology

Environment and Influence Certification

As Humans, we have the Need to Be Right and our brain often tricks into focusing only on what suports that idea and deletes the rest... Understanding how our internal focus mechanism affects our environment is the Key to Our Influence and the solving problems that keep coming back.


Postures and the Mind Body Connection Certification 

Moods affect the people around you and we often feel we do not have control. But each mood, good and bad, has a recipe. Understanding and controling these postures and their emotional effects gives the power to not only change your moods, but affect the moods of people around you


What you'll learn from this module:

•    The Psychology of Inspiration
•    Mastery of Group Dynamic Audience Engagement
•    Psychology of Non-Verbal Communication
•    Applying the power of DC postures to ALWAYS keep your audience engaged
•    Mastery of the Psychology of Storytelling Mastering the 3 Steps of inspired Action – Get your audience to act on what they learned
•    Experiential Learning & Practical Implementation


BALI 27 -28 SEPTEMBER 2018

KL 3 -4 DECEMBER 2018


Internationally Accredited by the American Institute of Business Psychology

DC Psychology is an Accredited Methodology

Colored Brain is a part of the Directive Communication Psychology Discipline and it is globally recognised by the AIOBP as an Effective System to affect Change in Group Dynamics

Earn More with International Credentials 

More Credibility usualy translates to more money.

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